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Houston East Bank Demerara
Georgetown, GY

About us

Our state-of-the-art seafood processing plant opened for business in January 2002. The plant is fully enclosed and air-conditioned and is designed and operated to achieve European Union, US FDA, and HACCP standards. It is one of the most modern facilities in the Caribbean. We have two automated shrimp (seabob) peeling machines. We process a wide range of seafood products, including shrimp, seabobs, and prawns, for frozen export. The plant is capable of processing over one million pounds of seafood per month. The plant also includes blast-freezing and cold storage facilities and a modern ice factory supplied by our own treated and carbon-filtered artesian water supply, backed up by an online 100,000-plus gallon water storage facility. We presently produce 100 tonnes of ice per day, making us a major producer of ice, which we supply to trawlers and fishing boats apart from those in our fleet. Our seafood products and our water supply are regularly tested by the Government Analyst Food and Drug Department.

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